Criminal Justice

The Associate of Arts – Criminal Justice Field of Study program is focused on preparing graduates for a continued educational career towards a baccalaureate after completing the program at Collin College. Upon completion of the program, students are expected to have enhanced critical thinking, written, interpersonal and oral communication skills. As such, courses are designed to provide students an introduction to the criminal justice system, key concepts, practices, and criminal justice policy via critical analysis. The educational and professional skills students learn within the criminal justice program are expected to prepare them for the academic rigor of continued education, and help them excel within their careers. 
Students can also earn a Field of Study Certificate in Criminal Justice to build a solid foundation of criminal justice knowledge.  

Recommended Electives
CRIJ 1307 Crime in America
CRIJ 1313 Juvenile Justice System
CRIJ 2314 Criminal Investigation
CRIJ 2323 Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement

To earn an associate degree, you must complete the 42 credit hour General Education Core, the 15 credit hour Criminal Justice Field of Study, and 3 credit hour technical criminal justice elective. Check with your transfer institution to confirm that the technical elective you choose will be applied to your bachelor degree plan.

Program Options

AA – Criminal Justice Field of Study

Certificate – Criminal Justice Field of Study

Department Website